- group exhibition
- art space, „Alte Spedition“ Gladbeck, Germany
- 17.05.2019 – 16.06.2019
- work: installation, accesible lung, 250 x 140x 250 cm
- plus 3 etchings „Lungenlandschaft“

“Werkausstellung 2019”
- gallery “Galerie in der Fabrik“
- Nürtingen, Germany
- january 2019
- textile study group exhibition

International Felt Exhibition
- HIGH FIVE ART GALLERY, Baarle-Nassau – Nederland, 6 Mei – 17 Juni 2018
2017-2018 „POR DENTRO POR FUERA Y MAS ALLÁ“ , Diálogos Textiles,
Museo Histórico Nacional, CABILDO DE MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay
curator Beatriz Schaaf-Giesser
group exhibition
felt art
2018 „Binnen, Buiten En Daaraan Voorbij“, Textieldialoog,
High Five Art Gallery, Baarle-Nassau, Netherlands
curator Beatriz Schaaf-Giesser
group exhibition
felt art

“The obvious and the hidden”
- installation
- invited artist, VII Int. Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA. Montevideo / Uruguay, october – november 2017
- catgut suturing thread, crochet
- 250 x 140 x 250 cm
Tri-dimensional work composed of 5 pieces in form of a lung. At 2,5m of height and a diameter of 2,8m invites you to get inside . Into the center of our existence as a human being. The lung feeds us, gives us life. Every breath is unique and each of ist passages leaves a mark on our interior – a personal imprint. Aromas, fragrances, bouquets, smells, airs of distant places, a dear person …. are recorded invisibly. The hand-knit crochet technique and the Catgut characteristics give shape and volume to the work making it look like a great drawing in the air. An invitation to discover what is there between the OBVIOUS and the HIDDEN.

- muestra colectiva
- work: „Desarraigados“ installation
- Installation
- wool, cotton
- felted
- lifesize
art space, Junges Forums e.V.,
Siegburg, Germany
september, october 2017

Cross and space
- designed for a chapel in Winnenden-Höfen, January-April 2015
- acrylic glass, pastel, paper, photography , drawings, plans, text
- 133 x 100 x 6 cm
The work is based on a study of symbolism oft the cross and the significance of it’s surroundings. It is made up of four semitransparent boxes, time capsules, which imbed and describe the form of the cross like a mould. These boxes contain text and drawings from residents from Höfen with the purpose of conserving lived memories and encounters.
Kreuz und Umraum |

Huella Madre
- series
- wool, silk, graphite
- felted, drawn
- each 60 x 60 cm
This is a work-in-progress inspired by fingerprints and pictures from old identity cards. This work emerges from an autobiographical search.
„Huella Madre“, gallery LABOR IM CHOR, Schwäbisch Gmünd 2015 |

Male & Female
- textile object
- bloodfilter material, x-rays fotos, fabric, capsules
- life-size
Inspired by korean BoJaGi technique where women sew leftover fragments of old silk or ramie fabrics into bigger pieces, symbolically extending their lives and giving them new destinations.
This is an interpretation of a „wedding-BoJaGi“
Korea Bojagi Forum |

- 12 pieces
- wool, silk
- felted

- felt wall hanging
- wool, silk, old fabric and laces
- felted
- 240cm x 115cm
The wall hangings give the impression of a collection of different sized postcards showing memories of lost places, people and their stories.
PassionFilz |
„German Contemporary Arts & Crafts” Ausstellung: „Something OLD Something NEW“, Korea 2013, Auswahl deutsches Kunsthandwerk auf der „Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2013” im deutschen Pavillon |

Moment verfilzt
Solo exhibition at DHW Druckhaus Waiblingen, Germany.
Invitation to the exhibition at the Druckhaus Waiblingen |
Newspaper article Waiblinger Kreiszeitung, 19. February 2011 |
Newspaper article Rems-Murr Rundschau, 21. February 2011 |

Wandgestaltung und Auftragsarbeiten

First price at fifth Bienal Internacional de Arte Textil, WTA.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 46 vessels
- wool
- felted, light exposure
- diameter 16cm each
It is a series of felted and light exposed vessels. They conserve moments in time of an immigrant family. This work recieved an international award for technical and artistic innovation.

- 13 pieces
- wool, cotton
- felted
- life-size

Start of the feltschool in Oberrot, Germany
Conceiving and founding the Feltschool Oberrot for the education and certification of felt designers, together with Inge Bauer and Lyda Rump at Wollknoll, a local wool company.

Beatriz Schaaf-Giesser
Felted design objects for interiors.
Verlag Freies Geistesleben, Deutschland, 2006.
ISBN 978-3-7725-2271-0
Not only the vivid process of creation also the material which is been created itself – felt in it’s individual form and colour – are the motivation of my work and are described in this book. Different chapters classified by colour and theme shall motivate and inspire to create new individual felt objects and go for new paths in the designing of interiors.

Marlène Lang, Fabia Denninger
Felt and industrial felt objects. Some with instructions.
Haupt Verlag, Schweiz, 2005.
ISBN 3-258-06850-X