2013“Felt Passion”, Ellen Bakker & Ricarda Assmann
2006 author of “FILZ FORM FARBE”, Verlag Freies Geistesleben, Germany
2005 “Wohnen mit Filz” Marléne Lang, Fabia Denninger, Haupt Verlag, Switzerland
2004 Coauthor for “Blumen-Schmuck-Accessoires aus Filz” Angelika Wolk-Gerche, Verlag Freies Geistesleben, Germany
2009 Feltmakers int feltmakers magazine, GB, issue 94/2009
2009 Textilforum, textile magazine,Germany issue 2/2009
2008 Int. Tetilkunst, Information for creative designing. Heft 1, Germany
2002 FUN German felters magazine, work portrait , issue Nr. 6
2000 Fabulous Felt Crafts by Katherine Duncan, Lark Books, New York
1999 Design Concepts for interior designers. DKI, German Kopper Institut, Düsseldorf, Germany
1996 BM Interior magazine , issue nr. 1
1996 DDS magazine for carpenters, issue nr. 1
1993 AIT architect and interior deisgner magazine issue 7/8 1993
1993 forecast catalogue ’93 HOECHST GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany
1992 Industrieel ontwerpen,design magazine, issue VIII, Belgium